Test Cloud Apps in Production.
Confirm Quality & Eliminate Risk.

Construct automated quality check pipelines for your applications, microservices and other endpoints across deployments and environments.

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Quality Challenge in Cloud

Engineers continue using mocking and staging environments as a primary testing strategy, which is more complex when your application is distributed. Therefore, teams spend twice as much time maintaining these imitations around genuine cloud services. The best effort simulation of the real environment is the real environment itself. Build automated and safe “testing in production” using pure functional and typesafe approach as part of your CI/CD pipelines.

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Make deployment stress free

Engineers check applications against known and predictable issues to raise confidence and reduce uncertainty about a release. In a cloud world, testing is often limited to individual functions, which makes it easy to overlook interdependencies across the application. Unknowns go undetected, which causes anxiety when releasing and surprising system failures. Effortless continuous "testing in production" is the only solution for stress free releases.

Make deployment stress free

Save time and eliminate your engineering toil

Mocking and stubbing of dependencies are essential in unit testing of cloud applications. Engineers spend time mocking the nuances of the real services and toil to keeping them up to date. Despite weekly maintenance effort, they get out of sync quickly. The best effort simulation of the real environment is the real environment itself. Use assay-it to annihilate coding boredom by validating critical paths of applications using automated “testing in production” techniques.

Save time and eliminate your engineering toil

Minute of downtime costs customer loyalty

Customer trust is hard to earn if your cloud application is glitching. Applications have to serve their customers according to the value they promise and ensure a great experience, otherwise customers find another product for their needs. Use an automated solution to continuously detect issues in every change before a full blown outage erases the trust you built.

Minute of downtime costs customer loyalty

Commit and Go

The absence of a strong typesafe approach on quality assurance for Cloud applications causes additional overhead and time loss in the development cycle. assay-it is designed to perform a formal proof of quality using typesafe Behavior as a Code paradigm. Just write pure functional code instead of clicking through the UI or maintaining endless XML, YAML or JSON documents.

Commit and Go

Proof a Serverless Quality like a PRO

Use assay-it features to define a right philosophy and commitment that ensures the always ready state of your code

Reduce Cost

Eliminate toil from engineering, focus your effort towards business features development

Increase Speed

Unlocks the opportunity to release software at any point in time, deploy faster, safer & more often

Cloud Native

Automate quality of your AWS, GCP and Azure applications in one solution, expand unified QA processes on prem

Safe Testing in Live

Build holistic strategies with proper isolation of tests traffic in an automated manner for your live environments

Work with Code

Write pure functional and typesafe code instead of clicking through UI or maintaining endless XML, YAML or JSON

CI/CD pipelines

Accomplish automated and repeatable processes by coding the entire delivery chain with continuous proof of the quality

Easy Integrations

Out-of-the-box quality assurance orchestration with REST APIs and command line utility

Quality of each change

Eliminate defects at earlier phases of the feature lifecycle, ensuring that your applications are always in a release-ready state

Confirm Quality, Eliminate Risks in your Cloud applications

Quality assurance is more complex when your application is deployed into the cloud. Engineering teams with a cloud app spend twice as much time maintaining test environments and mocking cloud dependencies. Time that is better spent building loyal relationships with their customers. assay-it has you covered.

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